Saturday, June 15, 2024

My Private War: Part 1 - Recap

Once upon a time, in the days of yore, there was a newbie corporation called Pandemic Horde. 

This was a golden age in New Eden. Large numbers of new capsuleers were joining the game, lured by stories of space battles on an unprecedented scale. Even the great nullsec empires, once exclusive in their recruitment, began to partake in the enthusiasm of the moment and welcome new players into their ranks. The mighty Pandemic Legion created Horde for this purpose, because their other feeder corporation, Waffles…wasn't exactly fit for polite company…

Pretty Vexor

Anyway, in this time of great hopes and aspirations, Syeed Ameer Ali, a bright-eyed, bushy-tailed new… alt... of notorious former pirate warlord, Haedonism Bot, was encouraged by what he saw and joined Pandemic Horde. 

He quickly distinguished himself with PvP excellence. One day, a single pirate Tornado, perched above Horde's lowsec NPC statiom headquarters, was menacing the alliance. Literally a thousand newbeans cowered in the station, terrified to undock. The Horde directors and FCs wrung their hands, unsure of what to do. Was this the end of Pandemic Horde? Then Syeed came with his Slasher. A perfectly executed warp-in dropped him directly on top of the battlecruiser, and his autocannons quickly reduced it to smoking wreckage, liberating the entire alliance from almost certain destruction and fail-cascade. There was much rejoicing.

But Horde's gratitude was short lived. Syeed asked a simple question on their forums. “Hey the corp bulletins say that the only rule is ‘don't be a dick’, but how is that defined exactly? Is it okay to scam rubes in Jita, for example?” he asked. Syeed just wanted a little clarification. 

A Horde director responded with unbridled fury, hurling expletives at our hero. “You would fit in better in Karmafleet!” he shouted. (Which turned out to be true, but that's not the point.) Syeed was hurt, but determined to be a good Newbean. The next day he saw that same director, whose name he cannot recall (Skywalker something? I dunno), and offered to settle their differences like civilized corpmates, with an amicable 1v1 at the sun. This cowardly Horde director refused, and cursed at him in a most unhinged manner.

It was clear to Syeed at that point that Pandemic Horde was not the corporation for him, and that the entire Pandemic family could get fucked as far as he was concerned. With a little bit of guilt at leaving half a generation of newbies in the hands of such toxic leaders, he dropped out and went his separate way.

Syeed went on to have many adventures. If you want the details, read the fuckin blog I guess. Anyway, some stuff happened, yadda yadda yadda, and then one day, they murdered Tulio. Syeed's favorite Stabber.

From that day forward, there was war.

After years of bitter struggle, with many battles won and lost on both sides, Syeed finally developed the tactics described in the last entry of his Dark Arts series. Pandemic Horde had no defense against this form of unrestricted cloaky warfare. Their ratting fleets, the financial engine that supports their empire, were decimated. Syeed's raids cost them billions of isk. That's right, you read correctly, that's billions, with a ‘b’. I know, right? That's a lot of iskies.

Against this onslaught, Pandemic Horde was forced to retreat from their staging system in R1O-GN. They simply could not withstand the remarkable PvP talents of Syeed Ameer Ali. Fueled by the memory of Tulio and his quest for righteous vengeance, Syeed pursued them to their bastion at MJ-5F9. 

A new phase in the war had begun. The MJ Campaign. The evil mastermind of Horde, Gobbins, no doubt felt that in this system he could finally make an effective stand. The system was only 12 AU across. Everything could be d-scanned from everywhere. Surely this would counter Syeed's patented Gorilla Warfare tactics, wouldn't it? How could he hide in such a system? 

Gobbins thought MJ was impregnable. He thought Syeed's war was lost. He thought his ratters were finally safe.

He was wrong.

...stay tuned for My Private War: Part 2 - The Dumping Ground of Tears...

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