Monday, December 23, 2013

Revolutionary Front is recruiting!

Apologies in advance to my readers for the shameless recruitment ad that follows. Feel free to skip this one, or flame me in the comments, or put a bounty on my head (hopefully in-game).

I continue to recieve mails from new players who have read my Newbie's Handbook for Evil Shenanigans and are looking for help to get into the pirate lifestyle. It has been some time since I disbanded Revolutionary Front, formerly the greatest new player friendly pirate corp in EVE. In that time I've gotten over most of my CEO burnout, reflected a lot over the lessons that I learned, and I am now at the point where I am ready to give this another try.

Who am I looking for?
RVFRO is looking for players who are ready and willing participate in corporate projects and who can make their own fun without having their hands held. Newbies and older players are all welcome, and people who want to FC or instigate group activities are most welcome indeed. Recruitment is fairly open, there are no SP limits, we don't generally require any API. The catch is that we may ask you to carry out some evil mission to prove your compatability with our core values.

We are all adults here who have families and lives outside of the game, so you may find yourself more or less alone in corp chat part of the time. You can use these opportunities to hang out with our New Order comrades or to enjoy aspects of the game outside of our core activities. I don't really give a crap if you want to mine or run missions, EVE is a big game and has lots of things to try, go ahead and do what you want. If you lose an expensive ship doing something silly we will just laugh at you for a little while then forget about it.

What sort of things will we be doing?

The Supreme Protector and Spiritual
Father of our Movement

James 315, the spiritual father of our movement, developed and perfected the art of bumping miners out of range in order to enforce the Code and collect mining permit fees. You too can enjoy this simple and engaging activity in highsec. Every member of Revolutionary Front is a registered Agent of the New Order, and we patrol our active regions diligently to ensure compliance with the Code. A mining permit is 10 million isk for one year, and in the course of selling them you can expect all sorts of amusing hijinks from uncooperative miners. To learn the details, and gain a deeper level of insight as to what this corporation is all about, visit

*Suicide Ganking
There is nothing quite like warping in on some unsuspecting carebear and immolating their favorite ship in a hail of antimatter. Sometimes a gentle bump isn't enough to compel a miner to buy a permit. Sometimes you need some isk and see somebody autopiloting around with a valuable cargo. Sometimes you just want to murder somebody for a laugh. Suicide ganking is hilarious good fun and highly addictive. I strongly recommend that all RVFRO members train a dedicated ganking alt so they can continue to do this without interfering with other highsec activities.

*Ninja Looting
We live off the blood and sweat of others in highsec. Ninja looting is one of our most reliable sources of income - we scan down people running missions and steal all their hard-earned treasure. In doing so, we suspect flag ourselves, meaning that we can be attacked by anybody. Often the foolish carebears, angry about their loot, decide to shoot at us. Which is wonderful, because it means that we can shoot back, and their expensive missioning ship then becomes ours. The key to our success in this is that we all live in the same area and that everybody keeps a logi (healer) ship ready at all times to help out their comrades.

*Solo and Small Gang PvP
Sometimes you just have to head out into low/nullsec and find something to kill, either alone or with friends. Serving the community in highsec as we do is good fun, but goodfights are nice too.

*Other Business
Whether we are enforcing the Code or working towards our own interests, sometimes we find that unconventional tactics are needed. As an initiated member of the Revolutionary Front, you will find that all options not specifically forbidden by the EULA or ToS are available to you. Wardecs, corporate infiltration, reverse AWOXing, scamming, etc are all tools that we can use as the situation requires.

How do I apply?
If you are not already familiar with the New Order, surf to and educate yourself. If you are still interested, then join our in-game chat channel - Revolution! and send an EVE mail to Haedonism Bot to show your interest. I'll be in touch with you soon to discuss whether you are a good fit and how you can demonstrate your commitment to the cause.

If you are very new, we'd love to have you in our corp, but there are a few things you should do before you join us. First, finish the tutorials. Second, go to the EVE University website and get your overview set up properly. Then contact me.

Bear in mind that while this is a newbie friendly corporation, it is not exactly a training corporation. In this corp you can feel free to try new things, fail in hilarious fashion, learn from your mistakes, and try again - just don't expect a lot of instruction in basic game mechanics (unless we manage to recruit people who want to teach). For that sort of thing I encourage you to take public classes at E-Uni and check out all the information available on the internet.

Friday, December 6, 2013

Haedonism Bot Mentors a New Player

I'm all about helping new players. In fact, I've devoted most of my EVE career to it, first with EVE Uni, then my own corp, Revolutionary Front, for awhile with BNI as well. That doesn't mean that I don't kill new players when I have a chance. I see it as only being fair to them to allow them to participate in all aspects of the game, including becoming the victims of piracy. I just try not to be a dick about it.

Those of you who follow my blog know that I sometimes use my old inactive corp, Revolutionary Front, as a reverse-awox corp. Lately I have been working on some side projects with some of my alts who are still in RVFRO, and decided I'd do a bit of recruiting while I was at it. I put some ads out there, and soon a young player named Ellie Tivianne responded. He was only 7 days in the game, and looking for a mining corp to join as he was wrapping up his tutorials.

My policy is to accept everyone who applies when I am doing this sort of thing (hopefully none of you plans to use this information to kill me), so I invited him/her to join the corp. Once he accepted, I got him to join my standing fleet and checked fleet composition to find him 8 jumps away in a Venture. Then I fitted an extra warp scrambler to my Tormentor and went out to find him.

Ellie was sitting in an asteroid belt mining happily away when I showed up and warp jammed him.

[ 2013.12.07 01:25:45 ] Iaculus > hi ellie
[ 2013.12.07 01:26:07 ] Ellie Tivianne > o/
[ 2013.12.07 01:26:17 ] Iaculus > i regret to inform you that you have fallen victim to a despicable act of piracy
[ 2013.12.07 01:26:38 ] Ellie Tivianne > I could always run away!
[ 2013.12.07 01:26:45 ] Iaculus > i now have you tackled, and must insist on some form of ransom
[ 2013.12.07 01:26:49 ] Ellie Tivianne > to the ... one station in the system
[ 2013.12.07 01:27:12 ] Ellie Tivianne > I will give you 4 isk
[ 2013.12.07 01:27:16 ] Iaculus > lets say... 2 million isk?
[ 2013.12.07 01:27:24 ] Ellie Tivianne > 5 isk
[ 2013.12.07 01:27:32 ] Iaculus > 1.5 million
[ 2013.12.07 01:27:36 ] Ellie Tivianne > ...
[ 2013.12.07 01:27:41 ] Ellie Tivianne > 7, and that's my last offer
[ 2013.12.07 01:28:01 ] Iaculus > i'm afraid that's not going to work
[ 2013.12.07 01:28:19 ] Iaculus > i'm going to lower your shields a bit, don't be alarmed
[ 2013.12.07 01:29:16 ] Iaculus > ok, still there?
[ 2013.12.07 01:29:18 ] Ellie Tivianne > only slightly alarmed
[ 2013.12.07 01:29:23 ] Iaculus > how about 1 million isk
[ 2013.12.07 01:29:37 ] Ellie Tivianne > 10isk

At this point Ellie unleashed her two Hobgoblin 1s at me, and I nearly killed one of them, but he got wise and recalled them.

[ 2013.12.07 01:30:14 ] Ellie Tivianne > noooo, you injured steve the drone
[ 2013.12.07 01:30:22 ] Iaculus > i will also accept assets of equivalent value
[ 2013.12.07 01:30:47 ] Iaculus > you can contract them to me
[ 2013.12.07 01:31:03 ] Ellie Tivianne > problem is
[ 2013.12.07 01:31:10 ] Ellie Tivianne > this ship isn't even worth 1mil
[ 2013.12.07 01:31:23 ] Iaculus > really?
[ 2013.12.07 01:31:30 ] Iaculus > let me check the market
[ 2013.12.07 01:31:33 ] Ellie Tivianne > 300k
[ 2013.12.07 01:32:12 ] Iaculus > the hull is worth 300k, but one must also consider the modules and drones
[ 2013.12.07 01:32:23 ] Iaculus > ok, i'll let you go for 350k
[ 2013.12.07 01:32:54 ] Ellie Tivianne > if you let me go, I'll give you some exotic dancers that I have with the rest of my stuff
[ 2013.12.07 01:32:56 ] Ellie Tivianne > ;)
[ 2013.12.07 01:33:06 ] Iaculus > contract them to me
[ 2013.12.07 01:33:18 ] Ellie Tivianne > They're a few jumps away
[ 2013.12.07 01:33:33 ] Ellie Tivianne > Dancing with the scientists I left there
[ 2013.12.07 01:33:36 ] Iaculus > you can contract them from here, just go to your assets
[ 2013.12.07 01:33:52 ] Iaculus > right click on the item, create contract

I shoot a couple of volleys, taking him into structure.

[ 2013.12.07 01:34:32 ] Iaculus > don't be scared
[ 2013.12.07 01:35:16 ] Iaculus > i have a medical condition, my finger sometimes twitches uncontrollably near the F1 key
[ 2013.12.07 01:37:11 ] Iaculus > ellie, make me an offer
[ 2013.12.07 01:37:22 ] Ellie Tivianne > I thought I contracted you 2 lady dancers?
[ 2013.12.07 01:37:27 ] Ellie Tivianne > They can dance with each other

I check my contracts, and find that Ellie had indeed contracted me two female exotic dancers.

[ 2013.12.07 01:37:42 ] Iaculus > why so you did, sorry
[ 2013.12.07 01:37:49 ] Ellie Tivianne > I don't have any man dancers I'm afraid
[ 2013.12.07 01:38:02 ] Ellie Tivianne > But the scientists could probably dance if you paid them well enough
[ 2013.12.07 01:38:08 ] Iaculus > wasn't paying enough attention, i guess
[ 2013.12.07 01:38:16 ] Iaculus > thanks for the dancers
[ 2013.12.07 01:38:46 ] Iaculus > i guess that means your ransom is paid and you are free to go, then
[ 2013.12.07 01:38:48 ] Ellie Tivianne > I still have no idea where I got them
[ 2013.12.07 01:38:52 ] Iaculus > but...
[ 2013.12.07 01:38:59 ] Ellie Tivianne > and good good, I've run out of space in my ore hold
[ 2013.12.07 01:39:03 ] Iaculus > SUDDENLY BETRAYAL!!!!

[ 2013.12.07 01:39:32 ] Ellie Tivianne > :(
[ 2013.12.07 01:39:51 ] Iaculus > ok, now let's discuss the value of your pod
[ 2013.12.07 01:40:07 ] Iaculus > how about....5 million isk?
[ 2013.12.07 01:40:35 ] Iaculus > no?
[ 2013.12.07 01:40:43 ] Iaculus > got any implants?
[ 2013.12.07 01:40:52 ] Ellie Tivianne > why would I have implants?
[ 2013.12.07 01:40:57 ] Iaculus > medical clone up to date?
[ 2013.12.07 01:41:02 ] Ellie Tivianne > this char is only 370k sp
[ 2013.12.07 01:41:07 ] Ellie Tivianne > the clone is ALWAYS up to date
[ 2013.12.07 01:41:12 ] Iaculus > ok, ok
[ 2013.12.07 01:41:29 ] Iaculus > but surely you can give me something for it
[ 2013.12.07 01:42:07 ] Iaculus > don't worry, i always honor ransoms - it's the pirate's code
[ 2013.12.07 01:42:30 ] Ellie Tivianne > I've seen pirates of the carribbean, pirates don't follow a code
[ 2013.12.07 01:42:43 ] Iaculus > sure we do
[ 2013.12.07 01:43:27 ] Iaculus > allright then, it pains me to have to do this, but i must destroy your pod
[ 2013.12.07 01:43:49 ] Ellie Tivianne > to what gain?
[ 2013.12.07 01:44:01 ] Iaculus > as a self respecting pirate, i simply can't let you go for nothing
[ 2013.12.07 01:44:08 ] Ellie Tivianne > well, there is a yoloSWAGxxx420420isk
[ 2013.12.07 01:44:09 ] Ellie Tivianne > bounty
[ 2013.12.07 01:44:20 ] Ellie Tivianne > but a 420420isk bounty ain't much really
[ 2013.12.07 01:44:24 ] Iaculus > my reputation would be ruined
[ 2013.12.07 01:44:43 ] Ellie Tivianne > yet podding someone in a venture 2 jumps from a satrter system boosts your rep?
[ 2013.12.07 01:45:05 ] Iaculus > i don't discriminate :)
[ 2013.12.07 01:45:30 ] Iaculus > i like to involve new players as well as vets
[ 2013.12.07 01:45:56 ] Iaculus > it wouldn't be fair to do otherwise

[ 2013.12.07 01:47:02 ] Iaculus > anyway, i hope you enjoyed your time in our corp, i suppose you will be moving on now
[ 2013.12.07 01:47:34 ] Iaculus > you can still get the ore from your wreck, i'm only taking the modules
[ 2013.12.07 01:48:06 ] Ellie Tivianne > what, 2 miner I's, a 1mn afterburner and a small shield
[ 2013.12.07 01:48:10 ] Ellie Tivianne > wow, what loot
[ 2013.12.07 01:48:24 ] Iaculus > if you truly are a new player, i hope this experience inspires you to persue a life of piracy
[ 2013.12.07 01:48:48 ] Ellie Tivianne > not really
[ 2013.12.07 01:49:07 ] Iaculus > trust me, it's way more fun than staring at rocks
[ 2013.12.07 01:49:28 ] Ellie Tivianne > eh, been watching stuff at the same time
[ 2013.12.07 01:49:31 ] Ellie Tivianne > plus
[ 2013.12.07 01:49:38 ] Ellie Tivianne > I have been mining for all of 3 hours
[ 2013.12.07 01:49:50 ] Iaculus > i get that, i do
[ 2013.12.07 01:50:06 ] Iaculus > i started out mining too, it's ok for awhile
[ 2013.12.07 01:50:26 ] Ellie Tivianne > no, I mean I have literally only done the starting mission arcs
[ 2013.12.07 01:50:29 ] Iaculus > but only the least creative type of player makes a career out of it
[ 2013.12.07 01:50:50 ] Iaculus > Ellie Tivianne i understand what you are saying
[ 2013.12.07 01:50:51 ] Ellie Tivianne > I was mining while waiting for something to build for the 10/10 mission
[ 2013.12.07 01:51:17 ] Iaculus > that's cool, and you should definitely finish those missions
[ 2013.12.07 01:51:27 ] Ellie Tivianne > well
[ 2013.12.07 01:51:29 ] Ellie Tivianne > I was going to
[ 2013.12.07 01:52:47 ] Iaculus > and when you are done with them, the best thing to do is join a training corp like EVE University, for a little while at least
[ 2013.12.07 01:53:09 ] Iaculus > get your bearings a little that way
[ 2013.12.07 01:53:26 ] Ellie Tivianne > I was more waiting to make more money to fit a cloak on that venture
[ 2013.12.07 01:53:28 ] Ellie Tivianne > but sure
[ 2013.12.07 01:53:38 ] Ellie Tivianne > which I'm glad I left in station
[ 2013.12.07 01:54:34 ] Iaculus > if you keep playing eve, you'll find that the thing that really distinguishes this game is the cutthroat pvp
[ 2013.12.07 01:54:46 ] Ellie Tivianne > Yup
[ 2013.12.07 01:54:55 ] Iaculus > you can lie to people, scam them, steal from them, murder them, it's awesome
[ 2013.12.07 01:54:59 ] Ellie Tivianne > Just don't think that killing a venture is really that cutthroat
[ 2013.12.07 01:55:23 ] Iaculus > oh believe me, i would have killed you whatever you were flying
[ 2013.12.07 01:55:47 ] Iaculus > i cast a wide net and take whatever swims into it, i've gotten great kills that way
[ 2013.12.07 01:55:50 ] Ellie Tivianne > hmm, better get friends to guard me next time I join a new corp then
[ 2013.12.07 01:56:11 ] Iaculus > haha, just do a little research first
[ 2013.12.07 01:56:48 ] Iaculus > if you had googled us, you would have found my blog
[ 2013.12.07 01:57:15 ] Iaculus > sorry, i'll link that properly
[ 2013.12.07 01:57:32 ] Iaculus > it pretty much spells out everything about us
[ 2013.12.07 01:57:44 ] Ellie Tivianne > I'll make sure to google someone next time then :P
[ 2013.12.07 01:57:55 ] Iaculus > ^^ good plan
[ 2013.12.07 01:58:26 ] Iaculus > anyway, this has been fun, have a glorious evening
[ 2013.12.07 01:58:49 ] Ellie Tivianne > Toodleoo
[ 2013.12.07 01:58:57 ] Ellie Tivianne > Fly safe-ish o7