Sunday, May 7, 2023

Operation Spookybird - Part 1

note: the following article was originally posted on the EVE University forum. I figured I'd add it here since I haven't updated the ole blog for awhile.

Greetings, fellow Unistas! Some of you long-timers may remember me as Kalim Dabo, from the old days of 2011-2012. That character is long gone, sold off. Syeed has been my main for the last several years of this much more casual phase of my career.

I recently rejoined the Uni and have been considering how I might participate. For reasons that will become apparent as you read on, it’s a bit inconvenient for me at the moment to move to a campus or participate in Uni fleets. So I figured that the least I could do would be to share this log of my adventures here. Perhaps a few of you might be interested in what I do, or perhaps not, but feel free to discuss or ask questions about this operation, my playstyle, or piracy in general if the mood strikes you.


On April 10, I set out from Uemon (the Forge lowsec) in an Osprey Navy Issue and, on a second account, a neutral covops scout. I slipped into nullsec at LXQ2-T, carefully scouting the frequently bubbled gate before jumping Syeed in. Then I quickly threaded the needle through Etherium Reach, and the Kalevala Expanse, into Perrigen Falls, to Z-ENUD. Pandemic Horde space, again. At that point, I started feeling like a trap was forming around me. I had to have been popping up on intel channels by that point. It was getting late anyway, so I logged off.

The next day I logged in and entered MJ-5F9, the headquarters of Pandemic Horde. Operation Spookybird commenced. 

The system had been prepared beforehand. A blockade runner alt was logged off at a safe spot, with a cargo hold full of supplies - drones, missiles, nanite repair paste, cap booster charges, drugs, armor and hull repairers. A secure container was anchored in space. Multiple bookmarks had been created on a previous expedition - safe spots, perches. I also carried a mobile depot in the cargo hold of my ONI, an essential piece of equipment.


The prime objective of Operation Spookybird is to farm AFK ratters for their loot drops. This is straightforward, workmanlike piracy. Paying for my losses one gently used certified pre-owned Drone Damage Amplifier II at a time. E-bushido doesn’t enter into it. This is just getting as many kills as possible, while taking as few losses as possible, looting as many wrecks as possible, and little by little, hopefully making some profit. I don’t rat or mine or trade other than liquidating loot. I don’t do PI, I don’t run abyssals. This is how I make my isk. It doesn’t pay much, but it's honest work.

When I entered MJ, I decided on the following conditions to consider the expedition ended, successfully or otherwise:

1. I get 100 killmarks on my Osprey Navy Issue. Or…

2. They manage to kill me. Or…

3. We reach a negotiated solution. I am open to leaving MJ and moving my operation to, say…1DQ1-A…or something…if someone makes me a reasonable offer. It’s unclear to me if this is allowed by current E-Uni rules, so I will withdraw this condition if it’s not ok, and just go for 100 killmarks or death, no mercy no negotiation. If it is allowed, certainly I would honor the terms and spirit of any such agreement.

To hopefully accomplish these objectives, I will be using a variant of a tactic I wrote a guide for last year -


I am doing this with a cloaky Osprey Navy Issue. That’s right, a cloaky Osprey Navy Issue.

Go on, get your chuckles in. Last chance.

Her name is Pomola, after the thunder god with the head of a moose, body of a man, and wings of an eagle, that protects the Greatest Mountain, Katahdin (in Wabanaki mythology).

Ok, here’s the fit.

Ok, this is getting wordy. I’ll end the OP like this. I’m on my second week of the expedition already, and a lot has happened. In the next post I’ll catch us up to the present, then I’ll continue to update this until the mission is complete (or until I get booted out of the Uni for this lol).

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