Friday, June 13, 2014

The Battle of Bereye

Last night after declaring war on Lunar Shadow Mining and Freight, I logged off and waited for the news to settle in for my targets. It wasn't long before a new thread popped up on reddit, titled "Who wants to fight CORE?(sic)" It was my war-targets, begging for allies. They got a lot of sympathy from the r/EVE crowd, as you might expect. They did not, however, manage to find anyone willing to go to war to defend their perceived right to mine without permits in New Order space.

This morning, as the wardec was about to go live, I went to Bereye to make some bookmarks and generally get ready, and I saw their Lieutenant CEO had even resorted to begging the randoms in local to ally with him, to no avail.

[ 2014.06.12 16:26:10 ] Aeris Nardieu > Anyone feel up to fighting against a CODE Corp with us? War commences in two hours.
[ 2014.06.12 16:26:26 ] Aeris Nardieu > They'll have no actual backup from CODE.
[ 2014.06.12 16:26:52 ] Aeris Nardieu > Oh, hey there Kalim!
[ 2014.06.12 16:27:17 ] Kalim Dabo > o/
[ 2014.06.12 16:27:35 ] Aeris Nardieu > How you feeling about the war? You excited as I am?
[ 2014.06.12 16:27:53 ] Kalim Dabo > can't wait :D

On my side of things, however, I noted that two additional corporations had wardecced LSMF. One was Molestation Nation, another small but highly effective New Order affiliated wardec corp. The other was Gypsy Queens, which I'm not familiar with, but their war record speaks for itself. Both wardecs go live today, but I got to have the first crack at these desperate rebels.

Opening Skirmishes
I logged in yesterday evening in the system of Aice and saw one wartarget in local. I quickly was able to narrow down his position orbiting a station at 100km range, evidently afk. The Slicer that I had been using to make bookmarks with seemed well suited to the task, so I attacked, orbiting at 20km range and zapping him with Scorch, keeping out of blaster range on the off chance that he might return to the keyboard. He did not, and his pod was quickly destroyed after his ship.

I then moved on to Bereye. There were several wartargets docked up. I observed as some of them undocked and moved around, and chased one Catalyst for a few jumps before giving it up. I noted, with some approval, that their newbies all seemed to be flying destroyers. I swapped my Slicer for a Police Persuut Comet, and named it "Code Enforcement".

Soon after, I managed to catch a Catalyst out alone. I figured he would be blaster fit and tried to kite out at the edge of scram range, but he surprised me with rails and I took a few good volleys before my ECM drones broke his lock. Then I quickly finished him off. His pod got away.

I continued to patrol the area. LSMF bunkered down in their home system. One pilot was missing, Ryan Hiri. I soon found him in Aice, mining with a Venture. I fired a warning shot across his bow as he warped to the safety of a station.

[ 2014.06.12 23:57:30 ] Ryan Hiri > Kalim Dabo Is in Aice
[ 2014.06.12 23:58:01 ] Ryan Hiri > He is attacking me it failed
[ 2014.06.12 23:58:10 ] Kalim Dabo > yes, he is
[ 2014.06.12 23:58:21 ] Kalim Dabo > and that was just a warning :D
[ 2014.06.12 23:58:26 ] Ryan Hiri > You sure?
[ 2014.06.12 23:58:42 ] Kalim Dabo > get right with the Code, Ryan, it's never too late
[ 2014.06.12 23:59:19 ] Ryan Hiri > What the code that will cheap me out of my money?
[ 2014.06.12 23:59:26 ] Kalim Dabo >
[ 2014.06.12 23:59:29 ] Ryan Hiri > I don't have enough money to make it till the next month
[ 2014.06.12 23:59:47 ] Kalim Dabo > sell your assets
[ 2014.06.12 23:59:55 ] Ryan Hiri > If you buy me for my next month I will join
[ 2014.06.12 23:59:57 ] Mephistopheles Lundeen > Kalim Dabo CODE is stupid
[ 2014.06.13 00:00:06 ] Ryan Hiri > I need 680 mil to plex
[ 2014.06.13 00:00:08 ] Kalim Dabo > Mephistopheles Lundeen silence you
[ 2014.06.13 00:00:24 ] Kalim Dabo > Ryan Hiri you'll never get there mining wth a Venture
[ 2014.06.13 00:00:46 ] Kalim Dabo > mining for PLEX really is quite stupid in any ship, actually
[ 2014.06.13 00:00:59 ] Ryan Hiri > Actually if I play for the next couple days I will make enough
[ 2014.06.13 00:01:13 ] Mephistopheles Lundeen > CODE is no longer relavent
[ 2014.06.13 00:01:15 ] Kalim Dabo > in fact, grinding PVE to pay your sub is a bad idea all around
[ 2014.06.13 00:01:25 ] Ryan Hiri > You sure?
[ 2014.06.13 00:01:35 ] Kalim Dabo > Mephistopheles Lundeen be quiet, random person, I'm talking to Ryan
[ 2014.06.13 00:01:41 ] Kalim Dabo > Ryan Hiri I'm sure
[ 2014.06.13 00:01:55 ] Ryan Hiri > Mephistopheles Lundeen Keep talking you make more sense than this brain washed idiot
[ 2014.06.13 00:02:30 ] Kalim Dabo > Ryan Hiri don't listen to the troll
[ 2014.06.13 00:02:34 ] Mephistopheles Lundeen > No worries. I love intergallactic space drama
[ 2014.06.13 00:02:38 ] Kalim Dabo > think for yourself
[ 2014.06.13 00:03:03 ] Kalim Dabo > do you really want to play this game like a second job, grinding away for your next months isk?
[ 2014.06.13 00:03:05 ] Ryan Hiri > Kalim if I should think for myself then your code is stopping that I cannot mine freely
[ 2014.06.13 00:03:23 ] Mephistopheles Lundeen > Kalim Dabo marked
[ 2014.06.13 00:03:25 ] Kalim Dabo > or do you want to actually, i don't know, have fun maybe? playing a video game?
[ 2014.06.13 00:03:39 ] Mephistopheles Lundeen > fun is relative Kalim
[ 2014.06.13 00:03:47 ] Sebastian Voss > I don't play my video games for fun Mr.  This is serious business.
[ 2014.06.13 00:03:59 ] Ryan Hiri > Kalim if you want me to have fun playing a game then don't force me to pay a fee just to mine
[ 2014.06.13 00:04:27 ] Mephistopheles Lundeen > Kalim has fun bullying miners, we all have fun laughing at him
[ 2014.06.13 00:04:27 ] Kalim Dabo > Ryan Hiri I'm trying to gently guide you and other miners to a healthier playstyle
[ 2014.06.13 00:04:53 ] Mephistopheles Lundeen > "healthier" according to whom?
[ 2014.06.13 00:04:56 ] Sebastian Voss > I get what code is about,  I don't necessarily agree with it's methods.
[ 2014.06.13 00:05:07 ] Mephistopheles Lundeen > seconded
[ 2014.06.13 00:05:20 ] Kalim Dabo > what methods do you take issue with?
[ 2014.06.13 00:05:28 ] Mephistopheles Lundeen > although stronger disagreement with "methods"
[ 2014.06.13 00:05:36 ] Ryan Hiri > Kalim it's not very much healthier you are targeting us because we want to play
[ 2014.06.13 00:06:00 ] Mephistopheles Lundeen > I disagree with kill other players because you disapprove of how they are playing
[ 2014.06.13 00:06:30 ] Sebastian Voss > bumping..  ganking...  deciding who is and who is not playing the game "the right way".  I mean ... gank all you want, bump all you want.  .
[ 2014.06.13 00:06:33 ] Kalim Dabo > Ryan Hiri I realize that you don't have the perspective to understand how game-killingly horrible your current corporation is, or how mind numbingly boring mining is compared to all alternatives
[ 2014.06.13 00:06:43 ] Sebastian Voss > Wish you guys wouldnt be podding everyone also.
[ 2014.06.13 00:07:04 ] Kalim Dabo > Sebastian Voss that's what you call "player-generated content", it's what EVE is all about
[ 2014.06.13 00:07:06 ] Sebastian Voss > Oh,  I know how mind numbingly boring mining is.
[ 2014.06.13 00:07:07 ] Ryan Hiri > Ummm my corp didn't want to have a war we just wanted to mine and have fun together
[ 2014.06.13 00:07:08 ] Kalim Dabo > conflict
[ 2014.06.13 00:07:34 ] Ryan Hiri > Well I didn't want to
[ 2014.06.13 00:07:57 ] Kalim Dabo > Ryan Hiri i understand, but the fact is that you aren't entitled to have fun all by yourselves in a non-competetive way without other players attacking you
[ 2014.06.13 00:08:08 ] Kalim Dabo > that would be against the spirit of the game
[ 2014.06.13 00:08:16 ] Mephistopheles Lundeen > and therefore, don't be suprised if your "player generated content" evokes a "player generated" response
[ 2014.06.13 00:08:23 ] Ryan Hiri > Oh I know I don't mind this
[ 2014.06.13 00:08:28 ] Kalim Dabo > the did name it "Everyone vs. Everyone Online" after all
[ 2014.06.13 00:09:14 ] Mephistopheles Lundeen > and now it's miners vs. CODE zombies
[ 2014.06.13 00:09:57 ] Sebastian Voss > I'm not a fan fo the suicide kill, but I do understand there is no alternative in highsec because of conhord.
[ 2014.06.13 00:10:11 ] Kalim Dabo > Sebastian Voss exactly
[ 2014.06.13 00:10:33 ] Kalim Dabo > we have to make wardec evaders explode somehow
[ 2014.06.13 00:10:56 ] Mephistopheles Lundeen > alternative = go set up some soverign system and enforce your rules on ppl there
[ 2014.06.13 00:11:17 ] Ryan Hiri > Kalim why does code not try and take over low sec
[ 2014.06.13 00:11:19 ] Kalim Dabo > Mephistopheles Lundeen that is exactly what we have done
[ 2014.06.13 00:11:31 ] Mephistopheles Lundeen > so go and stay there
[ 2014.06.13 00:11:35 ] Kalim Dabo > "the New Order of Highsec"
[ 2014.06.13 00:11:38 ] Kalim Dabo > i am there
[ 2014.06.13 00:11:41 ] Mephistopheles Lundeen > we don't need your silliness here
[ 2014.06.13 00:12:12 ] Kalim Dabo > all systems above 0.5 sec are sovereign space of the New Order
[ 2014.06.13 00:12:32 ] Kalim Dabo > ah that sneaky fellow
[ 2014.06.13 00:12:36 ] Mephistopheles Lundeen > go forth Kalim and enjoy the spoils of your silly CODE in your silly system... leave HI-SEC to others
[ 2014.06.13 00:12:38 ] Kalim Dabo > got to go chase him

Battle Lines Drawn
Ryan Hiri fled back to Bereye where his comrades were waiting. I followed and orbited their station at 100km, congratulating them in local on not illegally mining, for once.

[ 2014.06.13 00:14:10 ] Kalim Dabo > good to see all of you obeying the Code today :D
[ 2014.06.13 00:14:17 ] Ryan Hiri > LOL
[ 2014.06.13 00:14:45 ] Kalim Dabo > it's fine not to have a permit if you just stay docked
[ 2014.06.13 00:19:27 ] Sebastian Voss > Hows it going Ryan?
[ 2014.06.13 00:19:57 ] Ryan Hiri > Good just Kalim followed me and almost got wreckde

Soon a Talwar undocked. I waited to see if he would approach, but he stayed on the undock. Then a Drake undocked, then a Catalyst. I usually try to spread out my foes and kill them with a frigate in these situations, but they weren't budging. The inklings of a plan began to come together in my mind.

I warped in and docked at their station, then undocked again. As I had suspected they would, they all attacked me. It was at this point I made use of the mystical force of aggro timers, whose mastery is only given to those who are strong in the Code. I docked without engaging, and switched to my Hurricane Fleet Issue, then undocked and attacked. Their aggro timers prevented them from docking again, and I soon burned down the entire LSMF fleet in a hail of autocannon fire, then crushed a number of their eggs as they beat themselves against the walls of the station, unable to find refuge. I lost track of how many ships I destroyed. There was a Drake and a Myrmidon, a Merlin and several destroyers.

[ 2014.06.13 00:27:20 ] Kalim Dabo > gf
[ 2014.06.13 00:33:42 ] Kalim Dabo > Ryan Hiri that was awesome, no?
[ 2014.06.13 00:33:52 ] Ryan Hiri > I do like booms
[ 2014.06.13 00:33:57 ] Kalim Dabo > :D
[ 2014.06.13 00:34:00 ] Kalim Dabo > love the booms

I figured the battle was won. I gave the handful of remaining LSMF pilots in local a "gf", then looted the wrecks and even salvaged them. I was feeling pretty good about the war so far, and even gave myself a medal. A few more wartargets drifted in from wherever they had left their clones and docked up, as I sat on the undock in my Comet and chatted with them in local.

[ 2014.06.13 00:53:32 ] Jin Sperling > Megathron Navy Issue
[ 2014.06.13 00:53:54 ] Kalim Dabo > care to test it in battle?
[ 2014.06.13 00:54:15 ] Jin Sperling > not at the moment but thatnk you
[ 2014.06.13 00:54:28 ] Jin Sperling > that is a nice ship that you are flying
[ 2014.06.13 00:56:00 ] Kalim Dabo > thanks
[ 2014.06.13 00:56:06 ] Jin Sperling > np
[ 2014.06.13 00:56:55 ] Jin Sperling > im so glad that yall declaired war on us i have had an itch to do pvp again
[ 2014.06.13 00:58:08 ] Kalim Dabo > my pleasure
[ 2014.06.13 00:58:13 ] Jin Sperling > and to be honest i was about to switch to my alt and join a pvp high sec or low sec to have more fun with the game
[ 2014.06.13 00:58:51 ] Kalim Dabo > glad to hear it - mining and PVE are no way to enjoy a video game
[ 2014.06.13 00:59:29 ] Ryan Hiri > I like to mine and manufacture though it's a good way to enjoy it
[ 2014.06.13 00:59:39 ] Jin Sperling > yes i agree
[ 2014.06.13 00:59:50 ] Vaatia915 > mining is relaxing brah
[ 2014.06.13 01:00:10 ] Kalim Dabo > Ryan Hiri you're just saying that because you don't know any better
[ 2014.06.13 01:00:23 ] Jin Sperling > but i have to get off their is a tornado warning in my area and i dont want the power to go out on me
[ 2014.06.13 01:00:39 ] Jin Sperling > i dont want my comp to take any damage
[ 2014.06.13 01:01:13 ] Kalim Dabo > good luck with that
[ 2014.06.13 01:01:21 ] Kalim Dabo > hope you don't get blown away
[ 2014.06.13 01:02:52 ] Ryan Hiri > Kalim Dabo I know a good enough amount where I do like to mine and manufacture it's what I do in a lot of MMO's
[ 2014.06.13 01:03:18 ] Kalim Dabo > that's the thing - this isn't like other MMOs
[ 2014.06.13 01:03:31 ] Ryan Hiri > And?
[ 2014.06.13 01:03:43 ] Ryan Hiri > Does it change the fact I like mining and manufacturing?
[ 2014.06.13 01:05:51 ] Kalim Dabo > Ryan Hiri sorry, distracted a bit
[ 2014.06.13 01:06:30 ] Kalim Dabo > yes, this isn't like other MMOs, its almost entirely focused on PvP, all other content is less interesting by design
[ 2014.06.13 01:06:42 ] Ryan Hiri > Design yes preference no
[ 2014.06.13 01:07:39 ] Kalim Dabo > CCP just gives us tools to create our own content, they don't give us ready made content, not really
[ 2014.06.13 01:08:07 ] Kalim Dabo > just repetetive crap like missions and mining
[ 2014.06.13 01:08:22 ] Kalim Dabo > oh, manufacturing is ok, i don't have any real issue with that
[ 2014.06.13 01:08:36 ] Ryan Hiri > You can't manufacture without mining though
[ 2014.06.13 01:08:55 ] Kalim Dabo > sure you can - just buy minerals from the market
[ 2014.06.13 01:09:05 ] Kalim Dabo > let some other poor sap do the grunt work
[ 2014.06.13 01:09:39 ] Ryan Hiri > Ah is this why code likes to force miners to buy permits and mine?
[ 2014.06.13 01:10:09 ] Kalim Dabo > we don't force anyone to mine
[ 2014.06.13 01:10:30 ] Ryan Hiri > Well you're forcing them to pay to mine
[ 2014.06.13 01:10:33 ] Kalim Dabo > just to buy a permit if they want to mine
[ 2014.06.13 01:10:48 ] Kalim Dabo > they can do almost anything else without a permit
[ 2014.06.13 01:11:01 ] Ryan Hiri > What is this almost?
[ 2014.06.13 01:11:10 ] Kalim Dabo > you should really read
[ 2014.06.13 01:11:21 ] Ryan Hiri > I have read and it made me sick
[ 2014.06.13 01:11:21 ] Kalim Dabo > James 315 explains it better than I could
[ 2014.06.13 01:11:48 ] Kalim Dabo > other bot-aspirant activities can be covered by the Code as well, of course
[ 2014.06.13 01:12:06 ] Kalim Dabo > things like afk hauling, afk mission running, etc
[ 2014.06.13 01:12:23 ] Ryan Hiri > Ah so autopilot isn't allowed I assume
[ 2014.06.13 01:12:30 ] Kalim Dabo > correct
[ 2014.06.13 01:12:42 ] Ryan Hiri > So a mechanic in the game isn't allowed
[ 2014.06.13 01:12:49 ] Kalim Dabo > correct
[ 2014.06.13 01:13:03 ] Ryan Hiri > That is sad that you want to limit the game
[ 2014.06.13 01:13:16 ] Kalim Dabo > not limit it - improve it
[ 2014.06.13 01:13:24 ] Ryan Hiri > No it limits it
[ 2014.06.13 01:13:29 ] Ryan Hiri > You are not allowing autopilot
[ 2014.06.13 01:13:52 ] Kalim Dabo > if you are autopiloting you are not actually playing the game
[ 2014.06.13 01:14:13 ] Kalim Dabo > you could be sleeping, or watching TV
[ 2014.06.13 01:14:25 ] Kalim Dabo > these things are not EVE Online gameplay
[ 2014.06.13 01:14:51 ] Ryan Hiri > Ah so you would like to do that tedious 50 jumps by constantly watching your screen?
[ 2014.06.13 01:15:18 ] Kalim Dabo > get a fast ship if you need to jump that far
[ 2014.06.13 01:15:33 ] HawkeofGallente > how is it any of your business how others want to play the garme? they pay to play same as you and should be able to do so as they please
[ 2014.06.13 01:15:54 ] Ryan Hiri > Even if you need to transport billions of goods?
[ 2014.06.13 01:16:05 ] Kalim Dabo > HawkeofGallente you are free to do as you please - and I'm free to blow you up while you do it
[ 2014.06.13 01:16:18 ] Kalim Dabo > Ryan Hiri especially then
[ 2014.06.13 01:16:46 ] HawkeofGallente > so you're violating the rules of the game
[ 2014.06.13 01:16:51 ] Kalim Dabo > if you are transporting that much, you should be aware that you are being hunted - scouting gates ahead, watching your back

Suddenly, two of them undocked and attacked me, with a Vexor and a Thorax. I saw destroyers undocking. Then a remarkable thing happened. I docked up, jumped in my Navy Cane, undocked and destroyed their entire fleet again. Here's a link to the battle report.

This time, my conquest of Bereye was final. The remaining rebels fled the system in rookie ships and shuttles. To commemorate the battle I anchored a mobile depot off their station and named it "Site of the Battle of Bereye, where Code Agent Kalim Dabo heroically defeated a rebel armada."

The SS YOU GONNA DIE BIOTCH patrols New Order held space in Bereye
The Next Stage
Today our allies in Molestation Nation will enter the conflict, and I have no doubt that the pressure on LSMF will be dramatically increased. 

My mind fuckery/espionage operations continue to progress. They identified one of my informants and booted him, but I have one more solid agent in their ranks, and two LSMF members have approached me and offered their services as spies. It remains to be seen whether they plan to help me or draw me into a trap, but they have been advised what I'm looking for and what rewards they can expect for delivering it.

I am looking forward to the next battle, and the next. I do not expect a quick or easy campaign, but I know that victory will be mine, because I have the Code on my side.


  1. You make it sound like it's going better for you than it really is.

    1. I only report the facts, Takumi. Everything that I've said here is factual. Sure, the kills have slowed somewhat due to so many people dropping corp and me allowing my allies to have a go at you, too, but I'm still winning in a big way.

  2. As a eve nub, i really enjoy your posts, entertaining and informative and gives a nub like me loads of ideas. granted, i've not pulled anything off yet, but i know i will given time, and it will be thanks too you! "yeah i've had beer" anyhows, props and nice one =)
