Thursday, January 2, 2014

The Pacification of Solitude - Beginnings

Boystin V - Moon 6 - Federal Intelligence Office Assembly Plant
The new Revolutionary Front has kicked off its first major community service project - bringing the remote highsec islands of Solitude into compliance with the New Halaima Code of Conduct. This region has always been near and dear to my heart as the place where I spent much of my time in EVE University and where I started FCing small PvP gangs (shout out to my Solitude Rifter Team bros). It made me sad to fly around and see the belts occupied with AFK miners, multiboxers with names like "Titan Miner 1", "Titan Miner 2" and so on, and unguarded enormous freight containers stuffed full of ore littered about all over the place. So I decided we should do something about it.

Welcome to Solitude
We set up shop in Boystin(0.5), the local trade hub, and began bumping miners all over the region.  The locals, sadly, did not immediately welcome us with open arms.

[ 2013.12.26 21:57:50 ] Gray Spike > Attention Solitude miners, gankers, and xoth, for every 1 billion in damages you do Revolutionary Front and any other james whats his face. I will give you 100mill for the lols, if you manage to pop large value ships up to 250mill per 1 bill. have fun!
[ 2013.12.26 21:58:08 ] Kalim Dabo > yelowfff trojan has been bumped
[ 2013.12.26 21:58:25 ] Kalim Dabo > Gray Spike  Revolutionary Front pilots are invincible
[ 2013.12.26 21:59:30 ] Kalim Dabo > Celebrate, friends,  weissfff  whitefff  yellowfff and company have fled the anom, another victory in the struggle of humans vs bots
[ 2013.12.26 21:59:55 ] Kalim Dabo > hail james 315!

Following this exchange, we were wardecced by the notorious alt-holding corp Version 2.01, who then proceeded to suffer a humiliating defeat at the hands of our elite combat pilots, and were utterly crushed and destroyed before the wardec even had time to go live.

First shots fired
As we got more resources into the area, we began some ganks, as well. The first miner to die was Cirle Lanart, whose failfit Retriever had been hanging around the belts since we had moved in. Three times he was bumped out of range, and three times sat there for 30 minutes or more before reacting. His crimes were many, and he refused all efforts to initiate communications. After being ganked, his pod floated in the belt for a full 20 minutes before I felt obligated to go back and put it out of it's misery.

The price of non-compliance
Pretty soon, our headquarters in Boystin was a ghost town, local population having dropped 50% or more, the belts littered with the abandoned drones left behind after mining barges and exhumers had been destroyed, looted and then salvaged for the cause.

Everywhere I went in the region, local chat was abuzz with word of the new order. The rebellious locals feared us, and tried to build up their courage with shallow mockery and insults. Some, however, could see through their false bravado to the truth...

[ 2013.12.31 02:08:22 ] Stormrayje > and then tellin em its for their own good
[ 2013.12.31 02:08:46 ] jason Valdez > I like it.  If they can get me in high sec i will give them props
[ 2013.12.31 02:08:50 ] Socket Toomey > There is always people like that. I got one word for them. BLOW!
[ 2013.12.31 02:09:46 ] jason Valdez > i have more lying around in my walt then they will ever make tho.  So its easy for me to not care
[ 2013.12.31 02:10:06 ] Stormrayje > they are......very welll funded
[ 2013.12.31 02:10:20 ] Stormrayje > unfortunatly
[ 2013.12.31 02:10:35 ] jason Valdez > doubt the corp out here is
[ 2013.12.31 02:10:44 ] Stormrayje > that is likely true
[ 2013.12.31 02:11:01 ] Haedonism Bot > hey everybody
[ 2013.12.31 02:11:08 ] Haedonism Bot > what's going on?
[ 2013.12.31 02:11:20 ] Socket Toomey > o7
[ 2013.12.31 02:11:44 ] jason Valdez > know one out here will pay or care. its the frontier out here.  well the high sec frontier anyhow
[ 2013.12.31 02:12:03 ] Haedonism Bot > what are we paying for?
[ 2013.12.31 02:12:15 ] Socket Toomey > The most aptly named Constelation in the game
[ 2013.12.31 02:12:26 ] jason Valdez > just noobs spaming local trying to get people to pay for the right to mine
[ 2013.12.31 02:12:37 ] Stormrayje > guys.....hes in the corp
[ 2013.12.31 02:12:40 ] Haedonism Bot > oh
[ 2013.12.31 02:12:43 ] Sera Stark > lol, he's one of em Haedonism Bot
[ 2013.12.31 02:12:54 ] Haedonism Bot > just logged in, heh
[ 2013.12.31 02:13:02 ] jason Valdez > so another noob.  hello noob
[ 2013.12.31 02:13:18 ] Haedonism Bot > yes, you need to have a permit to mine in highsec, of course
[ 2013.12.31 02:13:22 ] Haedonism Bot > that's the law
[ 2013.12.31 02:13:26 ] Stormrayje > while i appreciate the toon name...still a member of the nude odor
[ 2013.12.31 02:13:35 ] Socket Toomey > LOL I can't believe people pay bounties either.
[ 2013.12.31 02:13:37 ] Haedonism Bot > has been for about a year and a half now
[ 2013.12.31 02:14:07 ] Stormrayje > you guys kill permit holders all the time, its just an extortion ring, get over it
[ 2013.12.31 02:14:09 ] Socket Toomey > Ok after I sell the mods I got off your buddies earlier today I'll pay your bounty
[ 2013.12.31 02:14:49 ] Haedonism Bot > Stormrayje name one permit holder who was killed and not reimbursed for his loss
[ 2013.12.31 02:14:59 ] Haedonism Bot > i don't believe you can
[ 2013.12.31 02:15:04 ] Stormrayje > was a year ago, how would i remmber
[ 2013.12.31 02:15:14 ] Stormrayje > i left you douch sacks in empire
[ 2013.12.31 02:15:18 ] Stormrayje > stay there
[ 2013.12.31 02:15:20 ] Haedonism Bot > sometimes accidents happen, bujt the victims are always compensated generously
[ 2013.12.31 02:16:27 ] jason Valdez > bro.  no one out here will pay you.  No one care.  the only reason i am talking about it or you is you are makeing my local blink
[ 2013.12.31 02:17:05 ] Haedonism Bot > jason Valdez you may not care now, but you will soon if you mine without a permit
[ 2013.12.31 02:17:17 ] Haedonism Bot > always cheaper in the long run just to pay
[ 2013.12.31 02:17:44 ] Socket Toomey > LOL almost no one mines out here. We are just screwing around. This area is a mission area. Good luck making anything.
[ 2013.12.31 02:17:58 ] Haedonism Bot > Socket Toomey i see miners every day
[ 2013.12.31 02:18:16 ] Haedonism Bot > so obviously you are wrong
[ 2013.12.31 02:18:21 ] Stormrayje > they attack non miners al the time, just go look at their website, they will attack anything they think is an easy target
[ 2013.12.31 02:18:39 ] jason Valdez > dont mine.  I actully make money now.  I have half a mind to now.  sense you couldnt possible stop me.
[ 2013.12.31 02:19:09 ] Haedonism Bot > Stormrayje it is true that miners are our primary focus, but all of highsec is our sovereign space, and we will enforce order however we must
[ 2013.12.31 02:19:13 ] Socket Toomey > I think they will get bored quick out here. It's been tried before. We've put up with a lot of shit over time in Solitude and the punks always move on.
[ 2013.12.31 02:19:57 ] Stormrayje > lol you live in hisec because you can take advantage of game mechanics to harass thats all there is to it
[ 2013.12.31 02:20:21 ] jason Valdez > Just letting you know i move through space afk most of the time.  feel free to try and gank me
[ 2013.12.31 02:20:49 ] Haedonism Bot > jason Valdez duly noted, thank you
[ 2013.12.31 02:21:15 ] Stormrayje > so sex bot, did you just rejoin your corp to avoida wardec?
[ 2013.12.31 02:21:16 ] jason Valdez > hell if you manage to gank me i will give you 100m
[ 2013.12.31 02:21:36 ] jason Valdez > you or you noob mates
[ 2013.12.31 02:22:44 ] Haedonism Bot > Stormrayje no sir, don't know why you would think that. I was on sabbatical with Suddenly Ninjas, and just returned
[ 2013.12.31 02:22:44 ] jason Valdez > i have been playing a long time.  I have had much more impressive try
[ 2013.12.31 02:23:25 ] Stormrayje > sabbatical?  so what like, taking abreak from being a dick?
[ 2013.12.31 02:23:43 ] Stormrayje > tired of being in the cross hairs all the time?
[ 2013.12.31 02:24:09 ] Haedonism Bot > Stormrayje how rude! Mind your manners when speaking to a law enforcement officer.
[ 2013.12.31 02:24:31 ] Stormrayje > you expect anyone to take you serious with that name?
[ 2013.12.31 02:24:33 ] Stormrayje > meow?
[ 2013.12.31 02:24:49 ] Stormrayje > go chug a bottle of syrup ossifer
[ 2013.12.31 02:27:05 ] Ekcim > All I've gathered from this conversation is that the New Order agents are polite gentlemen, and that miners are rude children.
[ 2013.12.31 02:27:16 ] Socket Toomey > Give em time he needs to pull the orange starpped ball out of his mouth to speak
[ 2013.12.31 02:27:32 ] Haedonism Bot > allright, gentlemen, as much fun as this is, I just logged on to check my mail, need to sleep, have a nice evening
[ 2013.12.31 02:27:50 ] Socket Toomey > gonight
[ 2013.12.31 02:27:52 ] Stormrayje > Ekcim keep telling yourself that while they politely bend you over
[ 2013.12.31 02:28:14 ] Haedonism Bot > Ekcim there is much truth to what you say...

One local rebel even saw fit to issue himself a forged mining permit and brag of it to one of our agents in chat. Don't be deceived if you see these, friends! While convincing to the casual observer, you can tell that the permit is a fake because it's bearer is a Code violating asshole.

Hints of Success
Not all Solidudes and Solidudettes, however, hate and fear the New Order and the Revolutionary Front. As we take action against the code violators and hopeless carebears, we begin to hear quiet words and hints of support for our cause.

[ 2014.01.02 01:27:44 ] EVE System > Channel changed to Local : Lour
[ 2014.01.02 01:41:49 ] Hero Avada > you guys are awsome
[ 2014.01.02 01:42:05 ] Haedonism Bot > me? thanks!
[ 2014.01.02 01:42:15 ] Hero Avada > you bro.

We have noticed Catalysts and fittings mysteriously appearing on the markets at favorable prices in favorable locations, a quiet tip of the hat from the true EVE industrialists who understand that our cause is their own. And today we sold our first mining permits in Solitude.

[ 2014.01.02 18:49:19 ] H3donism Bot > Congratulations Loma Veria  Lome Veria  Lomi Veria  Lomo Veria  Lomu Veria  Lomx Veria on the purchase of your New Order mining permits!
[ 2014.01.02 18:49:34 ] H3donism Bot > Enjoy the peace and security of highsec space!
[ 2014.01.02 18:50:23 ] Lome Veria > Fly Safe
[ 2014.01.02 18:50:28 ] Jamyl Falek > o7
[ 2014.01.02 18:50:40 ] TRIXOTOS > 07

There is hope for Solitude yet...

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