Saturday, February 15, 2014

Wars and Random Aggressions

I've been playing the game a bit sporadically since my last update, so I'm not sure exactly where to begin. Maybe with my war against New Trade Republic? Sure, let's go with that.

New Trade Republic
You will recall that for the last month or so I have been stomping these guys at every turn. They seemed to be completely incapable of adapting to war conditions, losing two Orcas and numerous mining barges, as well as a few combat ships. Their one victory was when I decided to take a fight against a Thrasher and a Vexor on their home station undock with my Merlin.

Lately NTR2 has been a bit more cautious. They no longer are taking Orca supported mining ops out with me one jump away. When I log in, they seem to dock up and go afk. I did kill a Procurer or two, and an Exequror Navy Issue a few days ago. I got in an engagement with a Brutix on the BCF undock in Hek, but a Cynabal warped in when I had him at around 60% armor. I debated taking them both on, but it seemed a bit much for my Nearly Invincible Merlin, so I disengaged. Shortly after that, all of them who were online showed up in local. I wanted to see what they had, so I unlocked in my Hurricane. I saw a Megathron, Navy Cane, Cynabal, some other things. They scattered and ran as soon as I appeared.

Around that time, I noticed my wallet blinking, and found that I had received a gift of 50 million isk. Then I got an EVE-mail.

This week of war is sponsored by Edrissa Ikesric
Last week I forgot to pay the bill and the war expired. I might have left it at that, since it is obvious that they will never pay the ransom, but then they booted me from their Teamspeak as I was trying to reach out to them and have a reasonable conversation, so now the war is back on.

Other Wars
You will recall that last time I mentioned that I had wardecced an alliance called Rush Unlimited. It turned out to be fairly ill conceived on my part. The first issue was that they were based far from home. Having to make 20 jumps to go after them stretched my resources and made it tough to capitalize on opportunities. They basically went into bunker mode and didn't make many mistakes. I lost a Merlin and a Gnosis in foolish attacks in their home system, decided to chalk it up as a loss and let the war expire.

I also wardecced a corporation called Gangplank Industries. They seem to be down for some goodfights, but I have been too distracted to really participate. I lost one Merlin and killed a Procurer and pod. This war will expire soon and I think I will let it, but may dec them again when I have the time to focus my attention on it.

The story of how this war began is actually more interesting than the war itself. I was considering them as a target, kind of just poking around to see what they like to do in peacetime. As usual, I was flying a Merlin. I spotted one of their pilots in a Raven on a gate, and on a whim I sent him a duel invite. He warped off to a station and accepted the duel while in warp, so I called him out on it in local.

[ 2014.02.08 21:16:33 ] Kalim Dabo > Larah Chun-Lee come back, coward
[ 2014.02.08 21:16:47 ] Kalim Dabo > let's fight
[ 2014.02.08 21:17:10 ] Larah Chun-Lee > no i pressed the wrong button + i dont want to loose my new raven
[ 2014.02.08 21:17:19 ] Kalim Dabo > i'm in a merlin
[ 2014.02.08 21:17:32 ] Kalim Dabo > probly can't break your tank anyway :D
[ 2014.02.08 21:17:33 ] Larah Chun-Lee > I have no tank
[ 2014.02.08 21:17:44 ] Yumla Cos > lol
[ 2014.02.08 21:18:02 ] Graham Oriki > rofl
[ 2014.02.08 21:18:13 ] Kalim Dabo > i'm not sure i can forgive this act of cowardice
[ 2014.02.08 21:19:00 ] Larah Chun-Lee > what auto rooting?
[ 2014.02.08 21:19:24 ] Kalim Dabo > running away after accepting an honourable duel
[ 2014.02.08 21:19:52 ] Kalim Dabo > prepare yourselves
[ 2014.02.08 21:20:27 ] Kalim Dabo > i will have my just and lawful revenge
[ 2014.02.08 21:20:34 ] Larah Chun-Lee > actually i started warping before i accepted plus as i said i miss clicked
[ 2014.02.08 21:20:48 ] Kalim Dabo > a likely excuse
[ 2014.02.08 21:21:05 ] Kalim Dabo > tell you what, for 100 million isk i will overlook the whole thing
[ 2014.02.08 21:21:36 ] Larah Chun-Lee > well as i said i have a new raven which means i am bust
[ 2014.02.08 21:21:55 ] Kalim Dabo > contract me the raven and we'll call it good
[ 2014.02.08 21:22:27 ] Larah Chun-Lee > hell no then I would have no way to make Iskies
[ 2014.02.08 21:22:50 ] Teladius > fuck iskies
[ 2014.02.08 21:23:09 ] Kalim Dabo > either that or i destroy the raven and you still have no way to make iskies
[ 2014.02.08 21:23:27 ] Larah Chun-Lee > how you gonna destroy it?
[ 2014.02.08 21:23:38 ] Kalim Dabo > with my Nearly Invincible Merlin
[ 2014.02.08 21:23:51 ] Kalim Dabo > in lawful combat, 24 hours from now

At this moment I put in the wardec.

[ 2014.02.08 21:23:56 ] Larah Chun-Lee > but you cant destroy stuff in station
[ 2014.02.08 21:24:26 ] Kalim Dabo > i'm not in station
[ 2014.02.08 21:24:32 ] Larah Chun-Lee > I am
[ 2014.02.08 21:24:38 ] Hiba Dacella > who cares
[ 2014.02.08 21:24:48 ] Kalim Dabo > oh, wtf then, come out of station and fight me
[ 2014.02.08 21:24:51 ] Hiba Dacella > stop spamming local
[ 2014.02.08 21:24:57 ] Larah Chun-Lee > and just broke up from uni yesterday so wont be on for a week
[ 2014.02.08 21:25:23 ] Hiba Dacella > how long does a duel last
[ 2014.02.08 21:25:42 ] Kalim Dabo > ok, i'll take it out on your corpmates then, when the war starts
[ 2014.02.08 21:25:44 ] Megan DeMonet > till its over
[ 2014.02.08 21:26:03 ] Larah Chun-Lee > You got one hell of a grudge there
[ 2014.02.08 21:26:32 ] Kalim Dabo > I can't abide breaches of space-etiquette in my system
[ 2014.02.08 21:27:04 ] Kalim Dabo > however, i will forgive them for the right price
[ 2014.02.08 21:27:12 ] Larah Chun-Lee > lel i never knew you could own systems
[ 2014.02.08 21:27:20 ] Kalim Dabo > of course you can
[ 2014.02.08 21:27:41 ] Kalim Dabo > i own Nakugard
[ 2014.02.08 21:27:55 ] Kalim Dabo > ask Oscuro Gancho, who thought he could challenge me
[ 2014.02.08 21:28:28 ] Larah Chun-Lee > owww you are not at gate anymore
[ 2014.02.08 21:28:38 ] Kalim Dabo > coming back for you

I warp back to the gate and find him there with his Raven, put in another duel request, which he accepts, and the fight begins. I got a tight orbit on him and began killing off his drones one at a time. The incoming damage was barely tankable with my MASB until the drones were gone, at which point it wasn't too bad, but I still needed to burn off a cap booster charge every 30 seconds or so. I reloaded the ASB twice, maybe three times, and used up all the charges that I had, then had to pulse it on cap alone two times. The last one killed my scram, AB, and guns, but luckily he didn't manage to run away, and picked that moment to stop shooting and give up.

[ 2014.02.08 21:31:30 ] Lisabeth Inkura > you goign to get all 8 of you ?
[ 2014.02.08 21:32:29 ] Lisabeth Inkura > how the hell can you lose 186 capsules?
[ 2014.02.08 21:36:52 ] Larah Chun-Lee > out of ammo soon
[ 2014.02.08 21:37:20 ] Kalim Dabo > not me :)
[ 2014.02.08 21:38:47 ] Larah Chun-Lee > out off ammo :/
[ 2014.02.08 21:40:24 ] Kalim Dabo > pay me 80 mil or i kill you
[ 2014.02.08 21:40:34 ] Kalim Dabo > fast
[ 2014.02.08 21:40:52 ] Kalim Dabo > too slow
[ 2014.02.08 21:40:54 ] Kalim Dabo > gf
[ 2014.02.08 21:41:03 ] Hiba Dacella > why does he need to pay you?
[ 2014.02.08 21:41:10 ] Megan DeMonet > he dont now

[ 2014.02.08 21:41:17 ] Praq27 > so he can make money and get a kill
[ 2014.02.08 21:41:20 ] Larah Chun-Lee > I SAID NO MONEY Y U NO LISTEN
[ 2014.02.08 21:41:23 ] Praq27 > why else
[ 2014.02.08 21:41:24 ] Yumla Cos > well 80mil would have been cheaper than a death raven
[ 2014.02.08 21:41:44 ] Hiba Dacella > ddid he lose his raven?
[ 2014.02.08 21:41:49 ] Graham Oriki > yes
[ 2014.02.08 21:41:52 ] Democlez Musana > yep
[ 2014.02.08 21:41:54 ] Larah Chun-Lee > not when i got paid plat insurence
[ 2014.02.08 21:41:57 ] sin tausong > linky linky
[ 2014.02.08 21:42:13 ] Hiba Dacella > how did you engage with no concord?
[ 2014.02.08 21:42:20 ] Ventris Uriel > duel
[ 2014.02.08 21:42:22 ] Kalim Dabo > duel
[ 2014.02.08 21:42:25 ] Kalim Dabo > Kill: Larah Chun-Lee (Raven)
[ 2014.02.08 21:42:25 ] Hiba Dacella > agh
[ 2014.02.08 21:42:36 ] Democlez Musana > ask for a duel or steal from a can
[ 2014.02.08 21:43:05 ] Kalim Dabo > well, thx for the fight
[ 2014.02.08 21:43:06 ] Praq27 > omg lololol
[ 2014.02.08 21:43:20 ] Hiba Dacella > lara your ceo is going to be pissed off
[ 2014.02.08 21:43:31 ] Kalim Dabo > as i see it, your breach of etiquette has been repaired
[ 2014.02.08 21:43:43 ] Democlez Musana > can flipping can be profitable if your expert at running like a bish or... you can over power them
[ 2014.02.08 21:43:59 ] Hiba Dacella > how long does a duel timer last?
[ 2014.02.08 21:44:14 ] Praq27 > its not can flipping... its not paying attention to what ur doing and being lazy in a mission
[ 2014.02.08 21:44:14 ] Kalim Dabo > i'll drop the war if you just reimburse the 50 million isk war fee, beyond that we have no further quarrel
[ 2014.02.08 21:44:17 ] Lisabeth Inkura > 3 mins or so i think
[ 2014.02.08 21:44:22 ] Kalim Dabo > Hiba Dacella 5 minutes i think
[ 2014.02.08 21:44:26 ] Democlez Musana > 15 minutes
[ 2014.02.08 21:44:31 ] Hiba Dacella > lol
[ 2014.02.08 21:44:35 ] Hiba Dacella > 3 5 15
[ 2014.02.08 21:44:41 ] Lisabeth Inkura > thats the one it's less if you use a bomb on rats
[ 2014.02.08 21:44:43 ] Democlez Musana > 15
[ 2014.02.08 21:44:54 ] Kalim Dabo > Democlez Musana it is definitely not 15
[ 2014.02.08 21:44:59 ] Democlez Musana > 5 for duel 10 for encounter timer
[ 2014.02.08 21:45:03 ] Kalim Dabo > that's way long
[ 2014.02.08 21:45:06 ] Hiba Dacella > ook
[ 2014.02.08 21:45:24 ] Lisabeth Inkura > if you've got satisfaction how about calling of the dumb war dec ?
[ 2014.02.08 21:45:25 ] Larah Chun-Lee > but you would get that from my dead raven...
[ 2014.02.08 21:45:34 ] Hiba Dacella > why did he not just wait for duel timer to run out and undock?
[ 2014.02.08 21:45:35 ] Kalim Dabo > Lisabeth Inkura i said that i would
[ 2014.02.08 21:45:50 ] Kalim Dabo > you just need to reimburse the 50 mil isk war fee
[ 2014.02.08 21:45:54 ] Democlez Musana > they are war decked
[ 2014.02.08 21:46:00 ] Hiba Dacella > agh i see
[ 2014.02.08 21:46:06 ] Democlez Musana > they can fire on eachother no matter wgat
[ 2014.02.08 21:46:12 ] Larah Chun-Lee > my dead raven probly gave you 50 mil
[ 2014.02.08 21:46:15 ] Hiba Dacella > yah
[ 2014.02.08 21:46:27 ] Larah Chun-Lee > whilst fighting the timer does not go down
[ 2014.02.08 21:46:29 ] Kalim Dabo > Democlez Musana the war actually starts tomorrow, it was just a duel
[ 2014.02.08 21:46:35 ] Hiba Dacella > cant belive you undocked a raven when you under war deck mate
[ 2014.02.08 21:46:46 ] Democlez Musana > Kalim Dabo ooh ok
[ 2014.02.08 21:46:55 ] Larah Chun-Lee > not war deck yet.................................
[ 2014.02.08 21:46:57 ] Hiba Dacella > so he lost a raven to a duel?
[ 2014.02.08 21:47:02 ] Democlez Musana > yes
[ 2014.02.08 21:47:04 ] Hiba Dacella > omg
[ 2014.02.08 21:47:15 ] Democlez Musana > said war dec starts tommorrow
[ 2014.02.08 21:47:16 ] Kalim Dabo > Larah Chun-Lee i only got 8 mil from the wreck, pay the 42 mil balance and we're good
[ 2014.02.08 21:47:36 ] Hiba Dacella > what is the war thing about?
[ 2014.02.08 21:47:41 ] Hiba Dacella > why war dec them?
[ 2014.02.08 21:47:48 ] Lisabeth Inkura > 24hrs
[ 2014.02.08 21:47:52 ] Larah Chun-Lee > HOW MANY TIMES i got no moneyz
[ 2014.02.08 21:48:06 ] Kalim Dabo > Larah Chun-Lee get your corpmates to pay
[ 2014.02.08 21:48:26 ] Larah Chun-Lee > why it is between us not them
[ 2014.02.08 21:48:26 ] Democlez Musana > war decing is usually over money resources or territory
[ 2014.02.08 21:48:36 ] Kalim Dabo > or contract me assets of equivalent value
[ 2014.02.08 21:48:49 ] Democlez Musana > and at times just for fun or they have a vendetta
[ 2014.02.08 21:48:57 ] Hiba Dacella > ok
[ 2014.02.08 21:49:36 ] Larah Chun-Lee > i am sure you can afford a 42m loss it would only take 2 hours to get it back
[ 2014.02.08 21:49:39 ] Democlez Musana > most war decs ive seen are from smaller corps who get pulled by another corp and declare war
[ 2014.02.08 21:49:43 ] Vylan Fenrir >
[ 2014.02.08 21:50:03 ] Larah Chun-Lee > also war dec does not give us the money so we cant give it back
[ 2014.02.08 21:50:16 ] Kalim Dabo > Larah Chun-Lee very well, i'll need to continue trhe war until i recoup my losses

Right after that he sent a lovely letter apologizing and sent 50 million isk, but I decided to let the war go in anyway because I wanted to kill more noobs.

Ninja Baiting and trying new things
Playing with the Incursus in Lustrevik

I've been flying Merlins almost exclusively in solo PvP for a long time. Just to switch things up a bit I figured that I would fit an Incursus and do some ninja baiting with it. My regular readers will recall that at one point I announced that I intended to master the art of mission infiltration, then got distracted by other things and never spoke of it again.

Today in Lustrevik, I managed to goad a mission Drake into a fight by shooting his Mobile Tractor Unit and killed him handily with my Incursus. Managing the active armor tank will take some getting used to, and I only remembered that I had a drone after the fight, but I think I like this little ship. I offered him very reasonable ransom terms, but he rudely cursed at me and dropped the convo.

The Real Kalim Dabo?
Where is he? He spent an evening heckling me in Hek local, to the amusement of the locals, then hasn't been seen again. His war against me expired uneventfully. Such a shame, I had high expectations of him.

Wednesday, February 5, 2014

The Real Kalim Dabo?

I returned from my brief vacation this week, and went back to the business of hunting New Trade Republic pilots in and around Nakugard. I was surprised to find that in spite of being at war and having lost an Orca to a safari last week, they had recruited several new members. Several of their old members had quit, and the rest seemed to be too terrified to undock with me online. Their cowardly "allies", Gekkostate., had abandoned them to their fate.

Hunting and killing
random screenshot
I saw that the NTR CEO, Oscuro Gancho, had replaced his Orca and was mining ice with his alt in
Barkrik, so I jumped over and warped to him. I was defeated by the fact that the warp to the ice anomaly was a solid 120AU, giving him enough time to align and get away. He docked up, and I went back to Hek and logged off. A short while later, my spies informed me that he had undocked a Skiff and headed back to the ice, so I tried again. Again he escaped me. This time I set a logon trap in the anom, but he was spooked and didn't try again.

Later on that day, I killed a few of the new members, who were the only guys willing to undock. I killed a Coveter and a Velator, and killed a fellow by the name of SterlinArcher Archer twice in Ventures, podding him once. Following the second encounter he convoed me several times, called me a "dickbag", then left the conversation.

After several false starts like this, finally he got around to telling me how he really felt.

[ 2014.02.05 04:23:35 ] Kalim Dabo > hello again
[ 2014.02.05 04:23:52 ] Kalim Dabo > i have come to love these little chats
[ 2014.02.05 04:23:53 ] SterlinArcher Archer > so how does it feel to be a bitch who messes with people with one day of experience
[ 2014.02.05 04:24:24 ] SterlinArcher Archer > i mena i think its funny as i have 20 billion in credits and 4 accounts but hey
[ 2014.02.05 04:24:24 ] Kalim Dabo > SterlinArcher Archer you are just a victim of your corpmates transgressions
[ 2014.02.05 04:24:42 ] Kalim Dabo > i'm not picking on you, per se
[ 2014.02.05 04:25:00 ] Kalim Dabo > or at least i wasn't until you opened your mouth :D
[ 2014.02.05 04:25:28 ] SterlinArcher Archer > dude u have no idea ... but hey thats ok u made my list and thats a fun list to be on
[ 2014.02.05 04:25:42 ] Kalim Dabo > that's great!
[ 2014.02.05 04:25:52 ] Kalim Dabo > here's an idea
[ 2014.02.05 04:26:20 ] Kalim Dabo > since you have 2 billion isk in "credits", why don't you just pay the ransom for your corp
[ 2014.02.05 04:26:28 ] SterlinArcher Archer > so let me ask this is your real life this small that u need to take pleasure in messing with people who might not know any better ... becuase thats means your just small a small man just kill yourself in real life
[ 2014.02.05 04:26:30 ] Kalim Dabo > it's only 300 mil atm
[ 2014.02.05 04:26:58 ] Kalim Dabo > my goodness, the mouth on you lol
[ 2014.02.05 04:27:12 ] SterlinArcher Archer > yeah can u tell im a cop in real life
[ 2014.02.05 04:27:37 ] Kalim Dabo > we have much to talk about then
[ 2014.02.05 04:27:55 ] Kalim Dabo > i'm a law enforcement officer in EVE Online
[ 2014.02.05 04:28:03 ] SterlinArcher Archer > i doubt it no real law enforcement person would be a bitch to pick on people with no experience
[ 2014.02.05 04:28:10 ] Kalim Dabo > i enforce the Code
[ 2014.02.05 04:28:22 ] Kalim Dabo > read up on it at
[ 2014.02.05 04:28:31 ] SterlinArcher Archer > we dont prey on the weak
[ 2014.02.05 04:28:44 ] Kalim Dabo > that's what started this war, your corpmates were shameless violators of the law
[ 2014.02.05 04:29:26 ] SterlinArcher Archer > dude i dont have any corp mates i do my things myself
[ 2014.02.05 04:30:26 ] SterlinArcher Archer > on and please post this on your blog u child molesting bitch
[ 2014.02.05 04:30:27 ] Kalim Dabo > you belong to a corporation of law-breakers, but i am willing to overlook that if you do the right thing and buy a mining permit for yourself, and agree to follow the Code
[ 2014.02.05 04:31:00 ] Kalim Dabo > and apologize for your disrespectful language to me publicly on the forums
[ 2014.02.05 04:31:08 ] SterlinArcher Archer > how about you buy my permit to stop being a little weak minded bitch
[ 2014.02.05 04:31:32 ] Kalim Dabo > i am sorry to see that you feel that way
[ 2014.02.05 04:31:41 ] SterlinArcher Archer > oh wait until u see the disrespect that hits the forums without mentioning your name
[ 2014.02.05 04:32:27 ] SterlinArcher Archer > i wanna call the real police in your state or country because you are obviously a child molester
[ 2014.02.05 04:32:30 ] Kalim Dabo > hopefully, one day you will understand the error of your ways, until then I'm afraid I'll have to keep blowing up your imaginary spaceships
[ 2014.02.05 04:33:08 ] SterlinArcher Archer > thats fine my other accounts pay for that fun i could care less have fun child molester
[ 2014.02.05 04:33:31 ] Kalim Dabo > have a nice day then :D
[ 2014.02.05 04:33:50 ] SterlinArcher Archer > yup bitch

The Real Kalim Dabo
This morning I logged on and didn't see any war targets online, so I was running a couple of errands when I received an unsolicited convo request from a character named TheReal KalimDabo KalimDabo. I got the impression that he was trying to "grief" me, but I can't help but think that imitation is the highest form of flattery.

[ 2014.02.05 15:47:32 ] Kalim Dabo > hello there
[ 2014.02.05 15:47:41 ] TheReal KalimDabo KalimDabo > hello u should check out my blog
[ 2014.02.05 15:47:43 ] Kalim Dabo > how may i be of service?
[ 2014.02.05 15:48:04 ] Kalim Dabo > sure, what's the link?
[ 2014.02.05 15:48:24 ] TheReal KalimDabo KalimDabo >
[ 2014.02.05 15:49:38 ] Kalim Dabo > blog not found :(
[ 2014.02.05 15:49:59 ] TheReal KalimDabo KalimDabo >
[ 2014.02.05 15:50:57 ] TheReal KalimDabo KalimDabo > im such a fan im very excited to follow your exploits
[ 2014.02.05 15:51:03 ] Kalim Dabo > these are some succulent tears you're crying, friend
[ 2014.02.05 15:51:23 ] Kalim Dabo > i just wonder what i did to deserve them
[ 2014.02.05 15:51:41 ] TheReal KalimDabo KalimDabo > no crying i was hired by some people
[ 2014.02.05 15:51:48 ] Kalim Dabo > just one suggestion
[ 2014.02.05 15:52:09 ] Kalim Dabo > don't use your real name in your blog profile

More Wars
I've been a bit disappointed with the low number of targets online, so I picked a random alliance called Rush Unlimited from the recruitment channel, got in their own channel to pump them for some intel, then offered them a choice - pay me 100 million isk or face a wardec. They chose wrong. An hour or so later, I find that they have hired some mercs to fight me. It will be interesting to see where that goes.

As I was making some preparations for that war, I got another notification. It turns out my secret admirer has a corp, and wants to fight. I suppose you will need to stay tuned to his blog to see how that one turns out.

The real Kalim Dabo founded the real Revolutionary Front. Stay tuned for details.